Wednesday 26 October 2011

What's two months away?

You guessed it....


So, to get ready for the month of celebration - Christmas and New years - I decided I might as well start making nice Christmas cards.

It was at first meant to be a fanart, but it somehow ended up aaaas....

... Frank!!

That is what I have so far.

And this:
Is the things I've planned to work with. I have loads of more things stuffed away in several boxes and such, but I don't think I need to dig any more than I already have.

I've already started, hehehe. The card has already been thickened(four layers of normal printer paper, plus a 1mm thick cardboard of some sort from a O'boy box) so I don't need to worry about that. I really prefer to "pre-fix" my cards like that, so I don't have to worry about screwing up my drawing. It's much easier to get a finer surface for the card if you do it like that.

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